I have decided after much consideration of the page theme choices that its time to make the move to wordpress. This blog is slowly evolving into what I imagined it to be. So I’m adjusting to the new interface. Please bare with me, update your bookmark and send feedback!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I'd like to thank the Internet...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Can't get Enough of JJ Abrams
JJ Abrams is the new black in the geek world with Star Trek out on Friday, Lost 100th episode last week, and the guest editor of Wired this month. He was on the Colbert Report last night with more puzzles.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Zooey is the Fabric of MY Life
And finally today - because I learned how to embed videos and because I know everyone loved to stalk Zooey Deschanel as much as I do - Zooey's new Cotton commercial!
Iron Chef Microwave

Friday, May 1, 2009
Always a fan of the remix culture, this post on the Medium about the fusion of sampling and youtube caught my eye. The ThruYOU project pulls rhythm, sound, harmony, melody, and vocals from amateur youtube musicians. Here's one funky mix:
While we're checking out grassroots music magic, here is another project, Playing for Change, that brings together the dedicated international talent of street musicians across space and time. They recorded various layers of the song "Stand by me" on street corners across the globe to create this goosebump-inducing knitting of music:
And remix can't be complete without mentioning name-your-price recent release of Remix Manifesto. Director Brett Gaylor talked to Wired about the six-year project about copyright laws in music. Between my undying love for Girl Talk and the unavoidable topic of intellectual property in my New Media classes, I can't wait to sit down and watch this documentary (currently downloading).
Texts for Last Night

Friend Request from Obama: Accepted

Obama also has a facebook page, youtube channel, myspace account, twitters, and probably others that I'm missing. I applaud the admin's efforts to stay connected and let people follow Obama the way we know how to; the language of social networking. We all speak it. Thanks to Obama for finally acknowledging that you should go to the people inside of the people having to come to you.
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